Monthly Archives:August 2020

  • 10 Tips for Clean and Dust free Home

    10 Tips for Clean and Dust free Home

    Our home must be kept clean and tidy, but achieving it requires a great effort, as it is sometimes complicated by lack of time. To do this, we give you 10 tips that will help you to achieve a clean and dust-free home.

    1. Establish a daily routine

    Make a list of the most important activities for you, such as washing clothes, sweeping, cleaning the bathroom, changing sheets… Distribute them throughout the week, according to the time you can spend each day.

    • Monday: clean the windows.
    • Tuesday: dust and sweep.
    • Wednesday: wash clothes.
    • Thursday: organize the closet.
    • Friday: clean the kitchen.
    • Saturday: change the sheets.
    • Sunday: clean the bathroom

    A similar routine will help you make your home organization easier. You will know in advance how much time you should spend each day and you can organize yourself better. Or you can use cleaning services and do not worry about the dirt in your home at all.

    2. Do not have more than necessary

    Many objects are essential, but before buying any ornament think that, in the long run, it can be a burden. Keeping the home clean is easier if the surfaces are clear. In addition, ornaments tend to accumulate dust and tend to favor disorder.

    3. Use hooks and hangers

    They are very useful to always leave in the same place and at hand objects such as keys, umbrellas, wallets… Even bags, scarves, or hats. This makes it easier not to forget anything before leaving home. Place them at strategic points.

    4. Make the bed before leaving

    Nothing is more relaxing than finding a clean and tidy bed after a hard day at work. In addition, it facilitates the cleaning of the room.

    5. Wash the dishes after each meal

    If you have a dishwasher, rinse the utensils and put them in until washing time. Otherwise, wash the dishes after each meal, dry them, and collect them. The kitchen will be cleaner and tidy. In addition, it is an important aspect to maintain hygiene and prevent the accumulation of bacteria.

    10 Tips for Clean and Dust free Home

    6. Keep clothes organized

    Use laundry baskets and keep clean clothes folded or hung in closets. This makes it easier to know what you can wear and whatnot, and avoid having clothes on the floor.

    7. Clean the washing machine

    To prevent mold, leave the lid of the washing machine open after each wash so that the moisture will evaporate. Remember to check the compartments for soap and fabric softener; they usually accumulate dirt that could be passed to clothes.

    8. Pet grooming

    If you have pets, take care of them. Animals can cause dirty floors and walls … if you keep your pet well-groomed you will avoid stains on the bed, insects, bacteria, and bad smells.

    9. Leave everything in its place

    Set a place for everything, and make sure you always put it in “your” place every time you use it. It will be easier to keep the home clean and tidy.

    10. Immediately clean the stains

    To anything that spills, you have a rag! It is more complicated to remove stains when they are dry.

    Cleaning services or DIY?

    The order and keeping the home clean and giving it a good appearance, help your life to be much more harmonious, and that stress decreases since you will feel really at ease. But if you do not want to spend 90% of your free time cleaning, you can use high-quality cleaning services that will do all the hard work for you. Any of your choices will benefit your home.



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